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Writings of Marx, Engels, and Lenin, as well as hundreds of others, and a history and encyclopedia of the international worker’s movement
Marxist Archive of Downloadable E-Books
A good collection, but you may want to get a Mobi to PDF converter
1000+ Videos on Politics, Philosophy, Art and More. An archive of the Institute of Art and Ideas in Europe. Many excellent materials for study groups.
1971 Film: The Black Panther Party and the Murder of Fred HamptonThis 90-minute black-and-white film has remarkable footage capturing the revolutionary spirit of the BPP. Fred Hampton (August 30, 1948 — December 4, 1969) was an African-American activist and deputy chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP). He was killed as he lay in bed in his apartment by a tactical unit of the Cook County, Illinois State’s Attorney’s Office (SAO), in conjunction with the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Party. His family won a civil suit against the City of Chicago, but his killers remain free. Good for the discussion of insurgent Black youth and revolutionary politics in the 1960s.
American RadioWorks ArchiveHundred of audio recordings of historical speeches and debates on social, culture and political themes
Anarchism ArchiveLinks to the writings if major anarchism theoreticians, pas and present, and assorted documents.
Black Panther Newspaper Archives. The entire collection has been cataloged, and we have digitized the front and back covers of each paper! Almost all of the brilliant artwork on the cataloged newspaper covers was created by former BPP member and Minister of Culture Emory Douglas and represent a sizable cultural achievement in and of themselves. WAR Against the Panthers. UC Santa Cruz 1980, ‘WAR AGAINST THE PANTHERS: A STUDY OF REPRESSION IN AMERICA A Dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of: DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in HISTORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS by Huey P. Newton
With it’s unparalleled collection of historical events and vast catalogue of changing social activity, British Pathé encompasses one of the world’s most prodigious and fascinating documents of the modern age. From fashion to warfare and sport to travel, British Pathé is the definitive source for the 20th century in moving images. All 85,000 newsreels are now searchable and viewable on YouTube. This equates to 3,500 hours of filmed history.
The Black Radical Tradition. 500+ pages of key works by dozens of Black nationalists, socialists and communists. Now in one downloadable PDF
Browder’s Grandaughter Reviews His Life. Laura Browder on YouTube: “Communism is Twentieth Century Americanism,” or the Odyssey of Earl Browder, the leader of the US Communist Party in the years of its peak influence. A 30 minute talk, followed by questions, with fascinating details revealed. ACCESS HERE
Che Guevara Resources A range of stories and articles about and by Che in a variety of languages.
Civil Rights Archive. History, stories, materials, and images by Freedom Movement veterans
Class Struggle Archives Class Struggle was the theoretical journal, first of the October League (Marxist-Leninist), and subsequently of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist).
The cyRev Archives. For a period of about five years in the 1990s, a periodic journal was published, edited by Carl Davidson, that forecast many of the ideas of 21st century socialism, cybernation, computers, social networks and the impact of globalization. The full text of all the issues, in about 100 articles, are preserved at this site. The original manifesto of the group’s views, ‘ The Promise and Peril of the Third Wave,’ by Carl Davidson, Jerry Harris and Ivan Handler, is in the first issue.
The Deng Xiaoping Archive Online e-book access to Deng’s Collected Works
The DuBois Archives. A wide array of writings, ebooks, articles and videos by WEB DuBois
Early American Marxism. Selected downloadable documents from 1876 to 1920, many of which reflect debates over how to build the socialist Party of Debs, and the divisions over WW1 and other matters.
Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism Online Do you need to dig up your favorite polemics from 1960-1980? The battles in the Guardian, the OL, RU, between the CPUSA and POC and PL? And many others? Or maybe you know little of the period of the ‘New Communist Movement’, here and abroad, but want to learn. It’s all in here, with our thanks to the comrades who tirelessly rescued all this from the memory hole.
Film Archives of the Communist Party of FranceThe audio-visual collections of the French Communist Party and of the democratic and labor movements have been put together this precious data base of over 1200 French-language films. Do you want to learn about the Second World War? About the Popular Front, the Resistance, the Spanish Civil War, the May 1968 events? It’s all here, and much more. Brush up on your French, and enjoy…
Films for ActionHundreds of films on politics, economics, science and other topics, suitable for classes and study groups.
Forward Archives Forward was a journal published by the League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L)
Frankfurt School ArchiveWritings of Marcuse, Adorno, Benjamin, Horkheimer and others. For the full on-line text of Marcuse’s ‘One-Dimensional Man.’ click HERE The ‘Continental Philosophy’ Archives. Hundreds of links from dozens of schools of thought from Nietzsche to Existentialism, Pragmatism and the Frankfurt School
The ‘Gang of Four’ Archive Selected documents by Jiang Qing, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan and Wang Hongwen, leaders in China’s ‘Cultural Revolution’
Global Studies World Library. Directory of resources from all points of view. Great for research.
The ‘Great Books’ ArchiveThe classic selection for schools teaching the ‘Great Books’ curriculum, but it includes links to the complete online texts for all of them
The Harry Haywood Archives. Contains links to online version of some of his books, and lesser-known writings.
Ho Chi Minh Biography in 45 minute video. Ho Chi Minh was not only the founder of Vietnamese communism, he was the very soul of the revolution and of Vietnam’s struggle for independence. His personal qualities of simplicity, integrity, and determination were widely admired, not only within Vietnam but elsewhere as well.
Labor Film Database. Over 1,600 films and videos are listed here, searchable by title, director, actors and/or keywords . Categories include: Highly Recommended Labor Films; Labor Film Festivals; New/Just Added; Available Online; Genre; Occupation/Type of Work; Themes.
LibCom’s ‘Revolutionary Reading Guide’ According to the author, the “latest version of this guide has a distinctly different structure and includes many different types of Marxism and finally accords Anarchism its rightful place as a revolutionary tradition, rather than just another utopianism or “petty bourgeois individualism”. I have also tried to help resurrect a subterranean tradition within Marxism that gets obscured by the power and prominence of Leninist organizations (whether Stalinist, Trotskyist, Maoist or others). This tradition includes people who may be more or less faithful, who may or may not have been activists, and whose ideas need not have been consistent. Just to give some sense, I include in this list Bloch, Adorno, Dunayevskaya, CLR James, Selma James, Luxemburg, Agnoli, Tronti, Debord, the early Lukacs, Korsch, Castoriadas, Pannekoek, Mattick, Gorter, Rubin, Serge, early Negri, and Pashukanis, to name some of the most prominent names.”
The Liberator Files Selections from The Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison’s Abolitionist Newspaper, along with commentary about Garrison and other abolitionists of the time.
The Malcolm X Research Site
This is a comprehensive website on the life and legacy of Malcolm X, with text, film, video, graphic and more. It also has a large listing of African American scholars on the left, with links to their sites and works. Access HERE
The Mao Zedong ArchiveLinks to the five volumes of Mao’s Collected Works, the Red Book and a few others.
Marx-Engels Complete Works. In German, as downloadable PDFs
A Marxist Bibliography. Listing of Marx’s key works, with links to sources, plus commentaries on Marx from various perspectives.
New Left Periodicals Archive: SDS New Left Notes, SNCC Newsletters, GI Antiwar papers, and more.
Peking/Beijing Review Archives From 1951 to the late 1990s. Some issues are missing, but the Mao years are fairly complete. All in the form of downloadable PDF files. Invaluable for research on China.
Photos of struggle, 1930s to 1970s.Black and white, collected by the Spark, ftom its own file, the CPUSA and others. Hundreds of historic images.
The Public Library of ScienceThe PLOS mission is to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication. Everything that we publish is open-access – freely available online for anyone to use. Sharing research encourages progress, from protecting the biodiversity of our planet to finding more effective treatments for diseases such as cancer.
Radical America Archives. Several years of the SDS-initiated journal on history, edited by Paul Buhle, that live on after SDS ended.
The Radical Philosophy Archives. A UK-based journal of socialist and feminist philosophy, the first issue of which appeared in January 1972. It was founded in response to the widely felt discontent with the sterility of academic philosophy at the time (in Britain, completely dominated by the narrowest sort of “ordinary language” philosophy), with the purpose of providing a forum for the theoretical work which was emerging in the wake of the radical movements of the 1960.
Rosa Luxemburg Resources Online‘Red Rosa’s’ writings, biography, photos and links to more. Click title above.
Also, ROSA LUXEMBURG’S STORY ON FILM (German: Die Geduld der Rosa Luxemburg) is a 1986 West German drama film, two hours long, NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE HERE, directed by Margarethe von Trotta. It was entered into the 1986 Cannes Film Festival where Barbara Sukowa won the award for Best Actress.[1] Moreover the film received the German Film Award (Bundesfilmpreis) for being considered 1986′s best feature film. Polish socialist and Marxist, Rosa Luxemburg dreams about revolution during the era of German Wilhelminism. While Luxemburg campaigns relentlessly for her beliefs, getting repeatedly imprisoned in Germany as well as in Poland, lovers and comrades betray her until the ambitious leader is assassinated after World War I in 1919.
The SDS Archives. This site offers a listing of the major memoirs written about Students for a Democratic Society, and a link to one major collection of the documents written at the time in PDF format. Links to more documents, and video interviews, are also available at Next Left Notes.
The Situationist Archives The Situationist International (SI) was a group of revolutionaries based mainly in Europe with very restricted membership. Founded in 1957, it reached its peak of influence in the May 1968 protests in France. With their ideas rooted in Marxism and the 20th-century European artistic avant-gardes, they advocated experiences of life alternative to those admitted by advanced capitalism, for the fulfillment of human desires. Their theoretical work peaked with the highly influential book ‘The Society of the Spectacle’ in which Guy Debord argued that the spectacle is a fake reality which masks capitalist degradation of human life. To overthrow this system, the SI supported the May ’68 revolts, and called for workers to occupy their factories and to run them through workers’ councils. Here are many of their writings in English
The Slave Narratives Interviews with former slaves. Nearly all of the information presented here came from the WPA collection at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, in addition to the 232 boxes of unprocessed material and county histories.
SNCC, Liberation News Service, and the Underground Press. These archives are being digitized and assembled by the Reveal Digital Independent Voices project, HERE.
SNCC and the Black Panther Party Archives. Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Fred Hampton, Fannie Lou Hamer, Rap Brown, Stolely Carmichael Angela Davis and other Black leaders from the 1960s and 1970s. Some Videos, and dozens of mp3 files.
The Stalin ArchiveLinks to the entire Collected Works of J.V. Stalin
Sojourner Truth Organization Archive. Sojourner Truth Organization was a new communist organization, which came into existence in the winter of 1969-70. Throughout its fifteen-year existence (1969–1985), it existed mainly in the Midwest and oriented towards organization in the workplace. It was named after the nineteenth century female African American activist, Sojourner Truth. It distinguished itself from other New Left groups in its critical approach to the role of race in the formation of the American working class.
Theoretical Review Archives This journal in the 70s and 80s sought to make available and popularize the theoretical contributions of Louis Althusser, Charles Bettelheim, Nicos Poulantzas, Antonio Gramsci and Marta Harnecker to movement activists.
The Tikkun Archives, Jewish radical thought.
The Trotsky ArchiveLinks to the selected works of Leon Trotsky, as well as an encyclopedia of the Trotskyist movement, click above. For e-book versions of each of Trotsky’s 14 volume Collected Works, go HERE. American Trotskyism Audio Archive Hundreds of now-digitized tape recordings of speeches, interviews and lectures by US Trotskyist leaders.
The ‘We Are Many’ Archive A portal to the video and mp3 files from all the ‘Socialism’ conferences put together by the International Socialist Organization–as well as related study materials, including a fascinating Scottish film of the life and times of Antonio Gramsci.
Who Speaks for the Negro? Robert Penn Warren’s 1965 collection of interviews with the rising generation of Black leaders, including Bob Moses of SNCC, in both audio files and searchable text.
The Young Lords in Chicago Archives. The remarkable collection grows out of the ongoing struggle for fair housing, self-determination, and human rights that was launched by Mr. José “Cha-Cha” Jiménez, founder of the Young Lords Movement. This project is dedicated to documenting the history of the displacement of Puerto Ricans, Mejicanos, other Latinos, and the poor from Lincoln Park, as well as the history of the Young Lords nationwide. Highlights include a rich collection of more than 80 oral histories, some as video and audio files, and historical photographs, papers, and clippings.