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Carl Davidson on the Interconnected Deep Theory of Current Media Silos, Conflicted Consciousness, Mead’s Social Self, Gramsci’s ‘Common Sense,’ Tofflers’ Demassification, and Marx’s ‘Mode of Communication.’ A long read, but worth it. Download Here
Danny Schechter on Reality Asserts Itself. Our late Journalist, filmmaker, and activist Danny Schechter “The Media Dissector,” tells Paul Jay what brought him to South Africa, the fight against apartheid, and meeting and chronicling Mandela. Access Here
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media – Feature Film
Reflections on Karl Marx and the Media, An essay by CHRISTIAN FUCHS of the University of Salzburg. Even though the telegraph was the latest in mass media in Marx’s time, Fuch surveys the many ways Marx provided the tools that anticipated a future revolution in communications and how to approach an analysis of it.
THE DISINFORMATION AGE: A REVOLUTION IN PROPAGANDA. Troll farms, bots, dark ads, fake news … from Putin’s Russia to Brexit Britain, new methods are being used to change politics and crush dissent. It’s time to fight back. By Peter Pomerantsev in The Guardian.
Edward Bernays ‘Propaganda’ as a free download‘ This is the central manual of the public relations industry. Bernays is the first guru. He was an authentic Roosevelt/Kennedy liberal. He also engineered the public relations effort behind the U.S.-backed coup which overthrew the democratic government of Guatemala.’ -Noam Chomsky. Access Here
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of Mass Media. By Noam Chomsky and Ed Herman. The classic work on post-WW2 propaganda is here as a downloadable PDF file.